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BLOG: Three Critical P's: Preparation, Pricing, & Professional Photography

"You get one chance to make a great first impression and great photos highlighting the best aspects of your home will get buyers in the door. Bad photos will get buyers in the mindset that they will be able to haggle the price down while great photos will have the buyers thinking they are going to have to compete

if they want to get your home."

I recently came across an interesting article by Connor MacEvilly of In his post he emphasizes the ' Three Critical P's:' -preparation, -pricing, & -professional photography. Below is a excerpt on the importance of hiring a real estate photographer with experience. You can read his entire piece here.


Courtesy Connor MacEvilly


You probably weren’t expecting this to be one of the top 3 critical items when selling your home. Seems like such a small item but in my opinion, it is also a really important one. Great photos sell homes! It’s THE most bang for your (Realtor’s) buck. Insist on professionally taken real estate photos.

Today, 90+% of buyers look for homes online. They jump on their apps as soon as a new listing alert buzzes in their pockets. They go straight to those listing photos before ever reading the listing description. You need to grab a buyer’s attention like the cover of a glossy magazine and make then want to call their agent to go for a viewing.

Now excuse me while I climb up on my high horse for a few minutes! My top real estate pet peeve is those real estate agents who are too tight-fisted to spend $200 to $400 on professional photos while still insisting on being paid the maximum commission.They resort to taking cringe-worthy photos with either their iphone or some camera they have no idea how to operate properly. They probably think white-balance has something to do with the KKK!

I have seen million dollar listings with stupendous views but stupid photos. The listing photos look like the agent was using a disposable camera and had hit the pub for a few before heading over to take the photos. Frankly, I think it is a complete insult to the sellers. And yes, if those agents ask for feedback on their listing I am more than happy to tell them that their photos suck! Unless my buyer wants to buy the home, then I'll tell the agent after closing.

I know, it's exhausting being this self-righteous. We all have our own real estate crosses to bear! Thanks for listening.

Whoever you hire to sell your home, make sure you ask them to show you some of their listings so you can see if they skimp on professional photos. Also, your home should be photographed by someone who specializes in real estate photography, not someone who makes most of their income from taking family portraits. A picture is worth a thousand words and great listing photos are worth thousands of extra dollars. Your home is a product, competing with all the other products on the market. Make sure it looks great online!

You get one chance to make a great first impression and great photos highlighting the best aspects of your home will get buyers in the door. Bad photos will get buyers in the mindset that they will be able to haggle the price down while great photos will have the buyers thinking they are going to have to compete if they want to get your home.

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